Subscription Plans

Get started generating AI content from anywhere.

AI Hatchling
10,000 API credits/month
Subscription renews monthly
AI Worker
21,000 API credits/month
Subscription renews monthly
AI Enthusiast
38,000 API credits/month
Subscription renews monthly
AI Master
62,000 API credits/month
Subscription renews monthly
AI Jumbo
372,000 API credits/month
Subscription renews monthly


AiomaticAPI Pricing Plans

The AiomaticAPI works on a token based pricing model, you consume tokens from the API credit pool of your prepaid subscription plan. The API offers multiple AI models, each with different capabilities and price points. Prices are expressed based on tokens. You can think of tokens as pieces of words, where 1,000 tokens is about 750 words. This paragraph is 74 tokens.

Text Completion Models:

gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct: 1.5 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 2 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

Chat Completion Models:

gpt-3.5-turbo: 1.5 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 2 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-3.5-turbo-1106: 1 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 2 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: 1.5 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 2 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-3.5-turbo-0301: 1.5 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 2 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-3.5-turbo-16k: 3 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 4 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613: 3 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 4 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4: 30 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 60 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-0314: 30 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 60 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-0613: 30 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 60 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-32k: 60 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 120 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-32k-0314: 60 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 120 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-32k-0613: 60 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 120 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-1106-preview: 10 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 30 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-turbo-preview: 10 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 30 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-turbo: 10 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 30 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09: 10 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 30 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response)

gpt-4-vision-preview: 10 API credits/1k text tokens (for prompt input) + 30 API credits/1k text tokens (for AI response) + each processed image increases response token usage by 1500 text tokens

Embeddings Models:

text-embedding-ada-002: 0.1 API credits/1k text tokens

Image Creation Models:

DALL-E 2 256×256 image size: 16 API credits/image

DALL-E 2 512×512 image size: 18 API credits/image

DALL-E 2 1024×1024 image size: 20 API credits/image

DALL-E 3 1024×1024 image size: 40 API credits/image

DALL-E 3 1792×1024 image size: 80 API credits/image

DALL-E 3 1024×1792 image size: 80 API credits/image

DALL-E 3 HD 1024×1024 image size: 80 API credits/image

DALL-E 3 HD 1792×1024 image size: 120 API credits/image

DALL-E 3 HD 1024×1792 image size: 120 API credits/image